How does it work?
Using its innovative technology adapted from the aviation industry, our self-regulating heating cable stabilises temperature fluctuations in vine rows and regulates energy consumption, providing a constant and homogeneous temperature.
Linked to its control cabinet, AnKhiale® is a completely autonomous system.
Our goal
To offer increased round-the-clock surveillance of your vineyard by monitoring temperature variations and heating specific plots to protect them from frost.
Our guarantees
Located at the heart of the Champagne region, we have been active in the vine-training sector for over 35 years. Drawing on our experience in the field, we are pursuing our
development by providing an effective, standalone solution to combat frost: the AnKhiale antifreeze heating cable.
AnKhiale® is the most effective solution for combating cold and frost in your vineyard. The combination of a self-regulating heating cable and a fully automated control cabinet now allows you to plan ahead and protect your vines before the temperatures plummet.